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    Himalayan Shilajit Resin

    Rs. 999.00 Rs. 0.00
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    Discover the Traditional Significance of Shilajit Resin Shilajit resin, a substance with a rich history in various traditional wellness practices, is known for its unique composition, sourced from high-altitude regions.

    • Nutrient-Rich Composition: Highlighting its fulvic acid and mineral content, known in traditional wellness practices.
    • Traditional Use for Vitality: Acknowledging its historical use in various cultural practices related to general vitality.
    • Cognitive Function in Traditional Systems: Referencing how it has been used traditionally in relation to cognitive wellness.
    • Historical Physical Performance Context: Mentioning its use in traditional systems, focusing on historical context rather than specific performance claims.
    • Traditional Balancing Role: Discussing its role in traditional practices as a balancing substance.
    • Revitalizing Aspect in Traditional Use: Highlighting its historical use for general revitalization.
    • Adaptogen in Traditional Practices: Referring to its classification as an adaptogen in various traditional wellness approaches.


    Himalayan Shilajit Resin

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